Public offer
Khitev Sergey Viktorovich

conclude an agreement on the conditions set forth below with any person interested in receiving services (hereinafter referred to as the User).
Acceptance of this public offer means the completion of registration actions on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site), in which the User explicitly indicates his personal data or such data is transmitted automatically from third-party services (Social networks, Messengers, Telecom operators and others).
Registration actions are carried out in the form of:
Filling out the form on the Website page indicating personal data (first name, last name, email address or others).
Joining the Service community on Social Networks (Facebook, Telegram, Instagram) (or “liking” a community page, or “subscribing” to a community, or accepting an invitation to join a community).
Filling out a form on the Site page embedded in the Social Network within the Service community.
Sending a message to the Service community on a Social Network or commenting on another message in the community.
Sending a message to a Service contact (including a “bot” and a phone number) using Messenger.
Sending email messages to the Service email addresses.
Sending SMS messages to Service phone numbers.
In case of acceptance of this public offer, a person intending to obtain information on the Site and/or gain access to paid or free services of the Service and/or perform any other actions on the Site understands and confirms that:
The text of the public offer is clear; the Service User does not have any questions at the time of acceptance of the public offer.
According to paragraphs. 5 p. 1 art. 6 Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data”, processing of personal data is allowed if it is necessary for the execution of an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party. Acceptance of this public offer means consent to the processing of personal data of the person intending to receive the services of the Service.
The Service has the right to send advertising and informational notifications to a user registered on the Service using contact information (personal data explicitly specified by the User during registration or other use of the Service, as well as using data received automatically from third-party services (Social networks, Messengers, Telecom operators). Advertising and information messages can be sent through:
sending email messages;
sending SMS messages;
sending messages using Messengers;
sending messages using Social Networks;
telephone calls, including automatic ones.
The Service has the right to send out advertising and informational mailings not only about its services and offers, but also to send out advertising and informational mailings to its partners, that is, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, self-employed citizens and individuals cooperating with the Service.
All issues not regulated by this public offer are resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Service agreement
(essential conditions)
1. Terms and definitions
1.1. “Online school” is a service for providing information via the Internet, posted on the Service.
1.2. “Service” is an Internet site at the address of which, and other technical means through which the functioning of the Online School is ensured.
1.3. “Online course” is an information work, including audiovisual, specially created for its display on the Internet and consisting of a certain number of Lessons.
1.4. “Lesson” is a part of the Online Course that logically combines part of the Online Course information and, if necessary, contains requirements (tasks) that limit access to subsequent Lessons or impose other restrictions on the ability to complete the Online Course.
1.5. “Completing an online course” is the process of consuming information from an Online course, aimed at obtaining information, or knowledge, or skills contained in the Online course, and also includes completing mandatory or optional tasks from the lessons.
1.5. “Student”, the same as “User”, is an individual who accepted the public offer for the opportunity to use all services and all information provided on the Site.
1.6. “Student Account” is the Student’s personal space on the Service. The Student account is personalized.
1.7. “Teacher” - a person who provides services of providing information and/or checking Student Answers on the Service.
1.8. “Student’s Answer” is a task completed by the Student, which he provides to the Teacher for subsequent verification. The check can be performed by the Teacher or automatically. As a result of verification, the Answer may be rejected, which is regarded as failure to complete the Assignment and impose a restriction on completing the Online Course.
1.9. “Stop lesson” - A lesson that limits the Student’s access to subsequent lessons until the Student fulfills the requirements
, laid down in the Stop lesson.
1.10. “Webinar” is an interactive online event with the participation of the Online Course Teacher or a recording of such an online event.
1.11. “Service Administrator” is the person who initiates the offer, provides access to Online Courses and/or Webinars and monitors the actions of Students.
1.11. “Conditions for taking an online course” - a set of requirements and restrictions determined by the Service Administrator, which determines the conditions for the Student to gain access to the Online Course and determines the opportunities provided to the Student when taking the online course. Different Learners may have different requirements and opportunities.
1.12. “Tariff” - the cost of implementation by the Administrator of the Student Training Service on the Online Course, information about which is indicated on the Site, depending on the content of the Online Course.

2. Subject of the agreement
2.1. The subject of this Agreement is:
providing access to Online courses for the purpose of obtaining information by Students;
providing access to Webinars;
providing the service of checking the Student’s Answer in order to verify the correctness of the Student’s completion of the task. The service of checking the Student’s Answer is provided if it is provided for by the relevant Online Course and the Online Course Conditions.

3. Procedure for providing services
3.1. The provision of access to the Online Course is carried out as follows:
Access to the Online Course Tariff selected by the Student is provided in the Student’s Account.
Access to the Online Course Tariff selected by the Student may be limited to the period determined by the Online Course Conditions.
The service administrator has the right to change the period of access to the Online Course Tariff selected by the Student.
An online course may contain one or more Stop Lessons. The number of Stop Lessons is set by the Service Administrator.
If the Student has not fulfilled the requirements of the Stop Lesson or other requirements laid down in the Conditions for completing the Online Course, access to subsequent Lessons of the Online Course is not provided to the Student until the necessary requirements are met, but within the period of access to the Online Course and in accordance with the Online Course Terms and Conditions.
3.2. The Student, by mutual agreement with the Service Administrator, may be given the opportunity to extend access to the Online Course Tariff chosen by the Student if, for any valid reason, the Student was unable to complete the Online Course Process within the period established for the Online Course.
3.3. The provision of access to Webinars is carried out as follows:
Webinars are conducted live or recorded, including simulating the actions of the Teacher and other viewers. The procedure for gaining access to the Webinar is determined by the Service Administrator.
Upon completion of the Webinar, Students may be provided with a recording of the Webinar. The procedure for providing access to the Webinar recording is determined by the Service Administrator.
If technically possible, the Service Administrator provides the Student with a special form of communication (chat) with the Teacher during the Webinar.

4. Cost of services and payment procedure
4.1. The fact of paying the cost of the Online Course means that the Student has read and agrees with the information about the Tariff of the Online Course presented on the Service and intends to complete the Online Course.
4.2. Services are subject to payment through payment systems, information about which is available on the Service.
4.3. After selecting the Online Course Tariff, an invoice for payment is generated in the Student Account. The Service may duplicate an invoice for payment to the Student’s email address or in other ways using the User’s known contact information
4.4. The invoice must be paid by the Student within 60 (sixty) minutes from the date of receipt, unless a different period is indicated in the invoice or in the Student’s Account.
4.5. In case of late payment, access to the Online Course is not provided to the Student.
4.5. Partial payment of the invoice and conditions for the provision of services in case of partial payment are allowed by the decision of the Service Administrator.
4.6. The service may provide additional services. Detailed information about the service, its cost, timing and other essential information will have to be indicated on the Service. The fact of payment for such additional services will mean the Student’s consent to all information about the services provided by the Service. All provisions for Online Courses apply to additional services, unless otherwise stated in the information about additional services.

5.1. The student is responsible for the inconsistency of the information he provided during registration and is aware of the full risk of adverse consequences associated with its incorrect indication. The Service Administrator does not verify the accuracy of the data provided by the Student.
5.2. The Student is responsible for posting intellectual property objects on the Service, such as photographs, pictures, drawings, articles, logos, and other objects that, in accordance with current law,
The Russian Federation has been granted legal protection. In the event that claims from third parties regarding the specified objects are presented to the Service Administrator, the Student is obliged to independently resolve them. If a claim is brought against the Service Administrator for the protection of rights, as a result of which the Service Administrator incurs losses, the Student shall reimburse such losses within one month from the date the Service Administrator submits a claim for compensation.
5.3. The student is responsible for copying and further distribution of the Online Course and/or Webinar and/or other audiovisual information provided by the Service, both in whole and in any part thereof. The Service Administrator, upon detection of violations specified in this paragraph, has the right to block the Student’s Account (including suspension of the provision of services), presenting him with a corresponding claim, as well as apply to a judicial authority to protect his rights and recover damages or compensation from the Student in court. . If it is established that the Student is a participant and/or distributor of the Online Course (including parts of the Online Course) on services for joint purchases of information products (sharing), the Student will be obliged to pay the Customer a fine in the amount of 1,000,000.00 (One million ) rubles.
5.4. The student is responsible for providing third parties with access to his Account. In case of providing access to third parties, the Student pays the Service Administrator a fine in the amount of 300,000.00 (Three hundred thousand rubles) for each violation.

6. Cancellation of the Service
6.1. If the Student paid for the Online Course or other service, but subsequently decided to refuse to take the Online Course or another paid service of the Service, he is obliged to notify the Service Administrator about this by sending him a corresponding notification through the feedback means specified on the Service.
6.2. Without exception, all refunds to the Student are transferred minus the commissions of the payment systems through which the Student paid for the services, as well as minus the actual expenses that the Service incurred to provide access to the Online Course and/or Webinar and/or additional services, and If the Student started taking an Online Course or otherwise consuming another service, but subsequently decided to refuse the services of the Service, then the Service, in addition to the payment system commission and actual expenses, retains the cost of services actually provided as of the date of refusal.
6.3. The Student's notice of refusal of services must be provided no later than 5 (Five) days before the date of refusal specified in the Notification.
6.4. Refunds paid by the Student are made in the same way as their payment or in another way as agreed by the Student with the Service Administrator.
7.Special conditions
7.1. The Service has the right to use Student Answers in any way, without any restrictions.
7.2. Replacement of the Online Course Tariff at the request of the Student is made solely by the decision of the Service Administrator and if such a possibility exists, in particular, if there are free places on another Online Course Tariff.

8. Final provisions
8.1. This Agreement is valid for an indefinite period.
8.2. On controversial issues, the Parties have agreed on a pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes.
8.3. A claim against the Service must be sent to the email address indicated on the Service, indicating “Disputed Issue” in the subject line. The Service Administrator sends the claim to the Student’s email address specified by him at the time of registration.
8.4. If there is no agreement on a controversial issue within 35 (Thirty-five) days from the date of receipt of the claim by the Service or the Student, the interested party has the right to appeal to the judicial authority of the Russian Federation at the location of the Service Administrator.
8.5. The Service is not responsible for failures that occur in telecommunications and energy networks or failures of equipment that ensures the functioning of the Service; actions of malicious programs that resulted in the termination or suspension of the Internet, both in general and in individual network segments involved in the execution of this Agreement; for illegal actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and (or) disabling the Service.
8.6. This Agreement may be changed by the Service Administrator at any time, in connection with which the User is obliged to weekly check the relevance of the text of this Agreement and carefully read all published changes.
8.7. The Service Administrator will take all necessary measures to notify the User in advance of changes to the text of this Agreement, in particular, by sending informational messages to the email addresses specified during registration. However, the User's responsibility to regularly review this Agreement is a priority and the Student cannot make any claim comments to the Service Administration about your disagreement with the changes on the grounds of failure to receive the relevant notification.
8.8. The Service does not bear any responsibility for the issuance of a Student’s photo by a search robot of any search engine, if the Student has posted his photo in his Account.

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